A Knight's Tale(2001), directed by Brian Helgeland, is a comedic play on a classic medieval rags-to riches cliche. After Sir Ector (Nick Brimble) suddenly dies in a jousting skirmish, young William Thatcher(Heath Ledger), his servant, soon takes up the sport in his place, disguising himself as a knight in order to compete. Thus, William finds himself both battling to be the best in a sport he cannot legally compete in, and competing for the heart of beautiful Jocelyn (played by Shannyn Sossamon). However, the odds are stacked against him. Especially when facing a bitter rival, Count Adhemar (Rufus Sewell) who seeks to take both glory and love from him.
As a childhood favorite, I forgot how many dreams A Knight's Tale, once inspired in me as a young eleven year old to be a knight. Equipped with tons of 90's references and a Queen soundtrack, this film's slight british humor will keep you laughing. This film simply shows how versatile Heath Ledger was tackling deeply psychotic movies like The Dark Knight (2008), yet still being able to play young boyish idealists like the one portrayed in this film.
Though at times, this film relies heavily on the suspension of disbelief, altogether this film is highly entertaining when one simply wants to kick back and not think so much. Its a feel good movie, and a worthy movie to spend a couple buck on.
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